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Luther Student Resources
TK-4th Grade Students

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ELA + Reading

Websites for ELA + Reading

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AR Quizzes for all Live Oak students. Sign in with your school username + password

To read books online, access myON or EPIC! Then take quizzes for points!


Access thousands of books that can be read for AR points

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Find books for your AR level by clicking on "AR" when you log in.

Get Class Code from your teacher, or use:


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Use this to look up books, either from a library or online, to find out how many AR points they are worth.

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How to find AR books/quizzes on MyON Reading Website



Math and ELA with different challenges and games to build skills.

Sign in or click
"Play as Guest:"

Music & Art

Websites for Music & Art

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Music with Mrs. Morrison!

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Exercise and interactive videos for kids to get their "ENERGY" out! Stay active, stay fit.


Art for Kids has videos for kids to draw along with while they watch. Excellent resource for art time.

Math & Science

STEM Resources

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Math game with wizard fantasy battles to collect items and powerful spells.

Select "New Player" if you don't have an account



Math and ELA with different challenges and games to build skills.

Sign in or click
"Play as Guest:"

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A list of fun science activities to do at home, full with lessons and questions to think about while doing them.

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Intro to basic coding. Code for Minecraft or make your own dance with your choice of music. Even do code art!

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San Diego Zoo

Visit and learn about animals, watch videos and live webcams, learn about their natural habitat and lifestyles.

Typing & More

Websites for Typing & More

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Amazing, free typing resource for all ages! Login with student Google Account, create a new account, or just get started!

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Earn money, buy race cars! Free typing game that encourages students to type FASTER while racing against other typists.

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Learn how to play chess in a kid friendly way. Match up against the computer or other kids, solve chess puzzles, and build your skills.

School Links

Luther School Resources

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Read Alongs with Mrs. Smith from the Luther Library

Click on the bus to go to the

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Music with Mrs. Morrison!


Educational Games & More


Educational and fun time games for kids from TK-5th grade.

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Kids website by PBS that has videos, games, and other activities based on PBS TV shows

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Need Help?

Send us a message

Parveen Bains


Dolores Herrera

Luis Marquez

Lead Tech Support


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